Standex Engraving Mold Tech creates textures that highlight their great craftmanship and passion with innovative details to make greater every surface.
We've created for them not only a comportate video but a real treasure chest to communicate and promote the company all over the world
Making an animated storyboard or rubamatic, for a preliminary editing is important to recall the client's image, catching immediately the attention.
The shooting phases have took place in the European plants of the company, in Manchester, Porto, Dusseldorf, but also in Italy in the provinces of Belluno and Treviso.
The final edit is made of shooting in the production departments and parts of emotional images realized in historical cities, snowy mountains, but also at the sea and in studio.
Visual effects & soundtrack
We decided to animate the company logo and some textures that recall the presence of graphic elements inside the video; the music is epic, perfect to reach the final goal.

The Corporate video has been awarded with three important recognitions of the Premio Mediastars